After Albuquerque, we were all excited to get back to Missouri again, to see our brothers and sisters there, and to follow up on all God's been doing!

Our meeting place this time was an old pharmacy - quite symbolic - as the LORD has been graciously bringing REAL healing and restoration to individuals and families across the country!

It truly NEVER gets old meeting new people and catching up with familiar faces from previous events, seeing how God's been drawing and strengthening His local soldiers!
This weekend, several adult children from one particular family felt led to surrender completely to Christ in baptism! This was such a sacred thing. There was much reverence and rejoicing surrounding the beautiful revival occurring in and through this family!

They are being called as pioneers in their community to bring living water and revival! Their heart posture of humility and surrender radiate Bible truth,
"We know not what to do, but our eyes are on YOU!" (2 Chronicles 20:12b)

During the baptisms of their family members, it seemed God was saying,
"I'm raising up the warriors!"

It's truly amazing all that the LORD is doing all over! We've been privileged to see, and also blessed to hear from others all across the country and around the world how God is drawing His people more closely to Himself!
We thank Him frequently for bringing us together for such a time as this, and for continually molding, shaping, pruning, fine-tuning, and fashioning us into the parts of His Body He designed for us to be!
This isn't about any movement or ministry.... It's about JESUS CHRIST, and about seeking His face, as individuals and together corporately as His Body wherever we are!
Each person the LORD is drawing together across the country seems to share a strong desire to function strictly with the mind and heart of Christ, and to walk in His Holy Spirit in everything, not the flesh. The constant plea of His people, whom He has given ears to hear and eyes to see, is,
"LORD, have YOUR WAY!"
The desire God is putting on the hearts of His people to set the captives free is strong and
constant, and He's continuously teaching us all how to surrender to Him more and more each day
as we seek Him alone, above all else.....
How about you? Are you ready to let it all go and follow Jesus with everything you've got?
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